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1 t/m 4 februari 2024 Jaarbeurs Utrecht
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Participate in De Nationale GezondheidsBeurs?

National Health Fair 2024: 1 to 4 February Jaarbeurs Utrecht

Inspiration for a healthy lifestyle. De Nationale GezondheidsBeurs is the is the ideal consumer exhibition to reach an enthusiastic and conscious target group personally. From February 1 to 4 we organize the 15th edition of this healthy event. Health and a healthy lifestyle are in constant motion. We keep developing and guarantee you a suitable offer! 

6 Themes    Health      Food      Body      Mind      Beauty      Allergy      

Digital Program books      Discount vouchers      70,000 newsletter subscribers

The are many different options for participating in De Nationale GezondheidsBeurs. The brochure and registration form give you a clear overview. Do you offer a product or service, test or activity? Do you give workshops or presentations? We are happy to coordinate wishes and possibilities with you and think along about a tailor-made participation. There is a package for every budget. Please feel free to contact us about the possibilities!

Brochure  >  


We are happy to be of service!

Roularta Media Nederland • Spaklerweg 53 • 1114 AE Amsterdam • T. 035 692 5270
advertising@roularta.nl  •  www.gezondheidsbeurs.nl 
General Regulations for Participation

1 t/m 4 februari 2024 Jaarbeurs Utrecht